The Unique project in the metaverse market place.

1 min readApr 23, 2022

Unique is built for the next generation future of blockchain made possible by polkadot and Kusama and the entire NFT sector. As polkadot first NFT parachain with advanced features, we provide marketplace, games and dAAps which advanced with good features and limitless potentials from flexible economic models for developers and customers to focus on sustainability and speed.

The polkadot crowdloan is a culmination of our intimate journey with the blockchain where we have been an official polkadot Ambassador since 2019 and we are responsible for creating and releasing the first NFTs on polkadot; subtrapunks and chelobricks, we also are proud to have polkadot ecosystem integration including subsocial,parrellel finance, Equilibrium And Bifrost

The next plan of the Unique project.

After securing the parachain from polkadot, unique will easily launch our governance and utility token UNQ, the nature of the token will power our platform through payment transaction for NFTs and smart contract transactions which facilitate staking mechanism like voting and reputation management, we will update the community on formal date of deployment.




UI AND UX Designer, with interest in research and writing, blockchain user experience designer.